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Agriculture Advertising with Amplified
The post Agriculture Advertising with Amplified appeared first on Amplified Digital Agency.Read More
Agriculture Advertising with Amplified
The post Agriculture Advertising with Amplified appeared first on Amplified Digital Agency.Read More
Intro to Inbound Marketing
Consumers are constantly bombarded with unsolicited advertisements. With pop-up ads online, inboxes full of spam emails, and commercials in the middle of YouTube videos, the current mass marketing techniques have become over-saturated. Consumers are now opting to do...
Replace Resolutions with SMART Goals
Setting goals is important for any business, but there’s a difference between just setting a goal and creating a goal with actionable steps to help you achieve it. Simply saying you want to increase your email list in 2022 sounds good, but it’s lacking structure and...
8 Ways to Agtivate Your Marketing
We brought you a new marketing tip every other week for 4 months and it was quite the journey. Each tip presented advice specifically tailored to the ag industry and focused on how you can make your marketing a success. Now, a lot can happen in 4 months, so we...
Organic vs Paid Social Media Marketing
With the increase in social media usage across the US in the past year, social media marketing should be a key element of any business’s advertising strategy. When planning how your business will use social media, one fundamental aspect to understand is the difference...
Search Advertising 101
Search advertising is the process of getting a business’s ad to appear on search engine results pages. There are two avenues to achieve this – Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). What Is SEM? Search Engine Marketing is the use of paid...
5 Benefits of Using a Digital Agency
Digital marketing should be an ongoing effort for your business. It takes time, resources, and strategy to ensure your company’s marketing campaigns are delivering results. Between staying on top of digital trends and monitoring what tactics are working for your...
5 Reasons to Plow Into Digital Marketing
Running a business isn’t for the faint of heart. There are so many things that go into making it successful. Reaching more consumers and convincing them you are the right choice for their needs is key. To do this you need to utilize the best marketing tactics...